Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Livestock Visits Baghlan Province

During ongoing provincial visit, the esteemed Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Livestock, Mawlawi Ataullah Omari, paid a visit to Baghlan province. During his stay, he held meetings with local officials and farmers to discuss agricultural matters. Minister Omari encouraged the farmers of Baghlan to redouble their efforts towards achieving self-sufficiency in the agricultural sector for […]

During ongoing provincial visit, the esteemed Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Livestock, Mawlawi Ataullah Omari, paid a visit to Baghlan province.

During his stay, he held meetings with local officials and farmers to discuss agricultural matters.

Minister Omari encouraged the farmers of Baghlan to redouble their efforts towards achieving self-sufficiency in the agricultural sector for the country. Additionally, he pledged to restore the lands and canals damaged by recent floods in Baghlan.