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    Minister of Public Health Engages with Chinese Ambassador to Kabul
    June 25, 2024

    Minister of Public Health Engages with Chinese Ambassador to Kabul

    In a meeting involving the esteemed Minister of Public Health, Maulvi Noor Jalali, and the Chinese Ambassador to Afghanistan, Zhao Sheng, discussions were held regarding the enhancement of Afghan personnel’s capacity building through China’s reconstruction efforts. Minister Jalali emphasized comprehensive support, investments in the health sector, and collaborative measures for controlling and preventing infectious diseases. […]

    Minister of National Defense Engages with Chinese Ambassador in Kabul
    May 2, 2024

    Minister of National Defense Engages with Chinese Ambassador in Kabul

      In Kabul, the Acting Minister of the Ministry of National Defense, Maulvi Muhammad Yaqub “Mujahid,” held a meeting with Chinese Ambassador Zhaoxing at his office. During the meeting, the Minister of National Defense acknowledged the positive strides made in diplomatic, commercial, and economic cooperation between the two countries. He emphasized the shared interests and […]

    Chinese Investors Eager in Water Transfer Project from Panjshir River to Kabul
    April 20, 2024

    Chinese Investors Eager in Water Transfer Project from Panjshir River to Kabul

    During a meeting with the esteemed Governor of Panjshir, Hafiz Muhammad Agha Hakeem, several Chinese businessmen conveyed their keenness to invest not only in the water transfer project from the Panjshir River to Kabul but also in various other sectors within the province. The governor of Panjshir highlighted the significant potential for investment in the […]

    Minister of Rural Development Meets Chinese Embassador
    April 9, 2024

    Minister of Rural Development Meets Chinese Embassador

    The Acting Minister of Rural Development and Reconstruction engaged in discussions with a delegation led by Chinese Ambassador Zhaoxing in Afghanistan. The main focus of the meeting revolved around the ongoing road construction project from Wakhan to the Chinese border.   During the visit, the Chinese ambassador reiterated their country’s commitment to cooperating with Afghanistan […]

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